- Just Another Dirty Scam Students Trust
If you're ordering custom papers through essay writing services, chances are you'll get to a point where you'll ask yourself, "Should I trust these online reviews?" And by ‘point', I mean that moment before making a purchase, and you see all these sparkling five-star ratings that are too good to be true. Or that anonymous customer who swears this particular writing service has changed her entire academic life by helping her get an A+.
They can't be that good, says the little voice in your head. And you'd be correct!
The writing service industry is filled to the brim with bogus companies and their shady marketing tactics that specifically target naive students. And it's hard to put the blame on them, because fake review sites are rampant! It's astounding how prolific these sites are becoming just to convince customers to do business with scammers - and one fine example is
Should you trust every word says? Are you better off not trusting online essay writing services reviews at all? What are the red flags I need to watch out for? Read on to find out some eye-opening facts about this so-called "independent review site", and why it pays to keep your guard against fake reviews.
How to Spot Fake "Customer Reviews"
It's amazing how these cheaters are becoming smarter and more devious for the sake of exploiting others. But if you equip yourself with the knowledge, it becomes easier to tell apart fake reviews from the real ones.
When it comes to essay writing services, there are telltale signs that you're most definitely reading a fake customer review from a company-created website. They're as follows:
- ‘Top-rated' essay writing service sites that are actually operated by a single company - whichever you choose, you choose the same service.
- Constantly promoting positive reviews of their own websites while sullying competitors' sites with fake and (mostly) negative reviews.
- The review blog in question is in no way an "independent" platform - it's always created by a multi-site company seeking to promote their own products by spreading fake reviews.
And in that regard, here's why I firmly believe a review blog like falls within the FAKE category…
Fake It 'til They Make It
There's only one thing I have to thank for. They reek of being a textbook example of a bogus site, so much so that they're making it easy to spot all these stinking signs of fraud. They claim to offer impartial reviews, comparing one or more writing services when in fact, they've never actually investigated everything. What they're doing is good old-fashioned blackhat internet marketing, and it hurts the entire writing service industry's reputation!
So here's the gist…
They're An Obvious Fake!
We could stay here all day with the long list of blunders has committed - and that list keeps getting longer as we speak! Let me break down all the important points you must know about this fraud, so pay attention.
1. They Own Tons of Essay Services and Fake Review Sites
The "top writing services" being reviewed and recommended by -,,,, and (information as of January, 2024) - are all websites owned and operated by a single company.

Let's take a closer look at each of these websites. Notice that they appear to have the same style order form, similar pricing system, as well as Terms and Conditions. The only thing that's different is the website design.
Nice try, AWriter. It's either the rest of us have keener eyes than you do, or you're overlooking these things on purpose!
2. Reviews That Are Too Good to Be True
The blog's reviews on these 5 websites (,,,, and are exclusively positive, to the point they're faultless. Meanwhile, the rest of the internet is filled with negative reviews about them.
Who would you rather believe? It's ALL against one!
3. The Rest Are Just As Fake
Like I said, will do everything to sully their competitors' reputation so they've also invested their time creating over 60 equally fake reviews against rival services. Save from their top 5 recommendations, everything else is negative and strongly discourages students from doing business with these supposedly "atrocious" sites (even such reputable writing services like PenDrago, ExtraEssay, EssayPro, etc.).
On the contrary, their recommended sites are the real monsters here. A site like, for instance, is a big joke.
4. Tip of the Iceberg
But I'm barely scratching the surface here. is just one of the most outrageous examples of bogus review sites. You deserve to see the bigger picture.
The truth is that this blog is owned by CareersBoost Limited (formerly known asUniversal Research Inc.), a multi-site company that's infamous for running hundreds of questionable essay writing services and dozens of review blogs. In fact, we have reviewed some of their writing services here:
In the meantime, let's put the spotlight on
Need a Reliable Essay Writing Service? Hundreds of Students Recommend:
Uncovering the "Big Picture"
Here's what we know so far…
1. is run by the notorious Universal Research Inc. (currently known as CareersBoost Limited)
While AWriter is trying their best to withhold information about the company that runs the blog, the truth will always prevail and it's the fact they're under Universal Research Inc. At the time of writing, however, said company has been dissolved due to its extremely bad reputation.

But that's not even the most alarming piece of info. The company is owned by Yuriy Mizyuk who has extensive criminal records ( info). Mizyuk also used to operate a Philippine-based company called Uniwork, which was also dissolved due to its bad records. You can find more by following VoirDireVeritas - a whole blog dedicated to this notorious company.
2. The list is endless.
There's damning evidence about the fraudulent activities being committed by and the company behind it. As mentioned earlier, they own several popular websites like,,,, and But the list goes on and it only makes sense for you to know which ones to avoid.
Here's a list of the many writing services and review blogs they own:
Affiliated fake reviews:
Drive traffic to:
3. Writers' Exploitation - You simply can't trust them.
It's a no-brainer: Any service or blog that has to do with the likes of Universal Research Inc., is unreliable and unsafe. The same is true for their very own writers. Reports of unfair treatment and highly underpaid employees are so rampant that it only takes a simple Google-search to find out the truth. So not only do they exploit customers, they also victimize writers!

Here's the thing: This scumbag company also operates several dubious sites called "writers' websites", where freelancers can get tasks from students who place orders for essay writing service. According to some folks at EssayScam, shady writers' websites include:
- (
- (
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- (
What they did is that they first outsourced their writers through the first 3 websites. But in time, they earned such a bad reputation that they were forced to create another outlet to continue their evil schemes, which is It's a classic strategy done by expert scammers: Launch a new site in an attempt to hide previous bad records and to continue attracting unknowing victims into working for them.
It's not about providing better service. It's all about squeezing out money from others for their own selfish gains. Such companies should disappear from the face of the Earth!
4. More and more lies.
Even AWriter's TrustPilot page is filled with trash! When you read the reviews, you'll notice that many of them are absolute nonsense and have nothing to do with the blog at all.

They're mostly fake, quite possibly company-created just to publish some positive crap in order to get 5-star ratings. Disgusting.
Your Turn
Fake reviews are a big problem because many people have undivided faith in the internet. But now that you know there are villains like out there, it pays to be extra-careful when making online transactions.
Just remember that when you order a paper from any of the services recommended by this review blog:
- You are becoming a victim of an internet scam.
- You will most likely receive poor-quality service (mediocre papers, poor customer service, etc.).
- You're potentially hiring and exposing yourself to a criminal.
- You're directly supporting a parasite who benefits from cheating students and damaging the credibility of honest, reliable companies.
- You're fueling a company that's only after money.
Ultimately, it's not you who's going to benefit from doing business with them. So think carefully before making your next move.
My Ultimate Goal
It might seem too much but I've dedicated some time on this because I have one goal in mind: To put decent companies front and center, to help them flourish, to guide more customers to them (who only deserve the best) and of course, to put pests like in their rightful place: the trash bin.
And another personal note to the blokes managing I'm fully aware that you recently published some negative reviews in an attempt to tarnish the reputation of services we recommend.
NEWSFLASH: You can't bring us down that easily.
I suggest you remove them or else we'll continue to disclose more sensitive information I gathered from students and writers. We will continue our quest for the truth and expose you for what you really are: FRAUDSTERS. Who knows, maybe one day when you wake up, you will have ZERO clients.
Consider this a ‘friendly' warning.
Need a Reliable Essay Writing Service? Hundreds of Students Recommend:
Author: David Anderson
David Anderson is the founder of IHateWritingEssays. He hates the idea of companies baiting unsuspecting individuals with fraudulent services. Starting from school, he too, struggled to find a helping hand when it comes to writing assignments. Over time, he focused on publishing comprehensive reviews and helping students find reliable essay services. Thus, the review site came to be – serving as the "voice and the iron fist" of an industry expert.