GoNerdify Review

- COMPANY: Unknown
- Money Back Guarantee, Revision Policy
Nerdify Overview
If you're looking for a more unique experience with an essay writing service, you can't go wrong with GoNerdify. And since they're unique, we need to delve deep into what really sets them apart from the rest.
The question is, can they live up to the hype of being "goner diffy" from the rest, or are they biting off more than they can chew? Let's investigate with our Nerdify review.
What Makes GoNerdify Different?
Nerdify follows a rather unusual business model, billing themselves as a "PA for students". Customers no longer need to use a standard signup or login process before ordering a paper because they're more of an AI-powered platform that does their service via text or Facebook Messenger.

Of course, they'll require you to provide personal details like your contact number, so read further if you want to know whether or not this is a safe option for you.
Pricing System
Because of the nature of Nerdify's service, it's difficult to get a price estimate on their papers before ordering them. You need to let them know what you need so they can give you a price quotation.
However, they do offer a fixed rate and an hourly rate – with the latter being a unique feature since not all writing services can offer such option.
It's up to the Nerds (what the company calls their writers) to decide the rates. And because they can perform various tasks, there's really no one-size-fits-all pricing. Despite some complaints of overpricing, the cost is generally not too bad. However, Nerdify could definitely benefit from a pricing matrix to guide their customers. As for discounts and promo codes, you have to contact them but at the time of this review, we failed to find any offer.

If you feel that GoNerdify is the ideal service for you, they have subscription plans in place, which comes with extra services like priority response, VIP contact number, progress updates, and more.
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Types of Services
Unlike other services, Nerdify doesn't lay out everything their Nerds can do. There's no way of knowing the range of their services, unless you contact them and ask yourself. Based on various testimonials, however, it's safe to say that their business model targets a specific niche: college students.
It's a bit exaggerated to claim that their Nerds can do just about everything. According to customer reviews, Nerdify's expertise leans more on essay writing, homework tasks, and Math. Moreover, they're the only service of this type to offer book deliveries and textbook sourcing. But in the age of Google, do students really have to turn to a service like Nerdify to get them a book?
Speaking of services, GoNerdify has come up with an Honor Code – policies that aim to promote usage integrity. The gist of this is that they don't support academic dishonesty. Any form of impersonation, cheating, or plagiarism is highly discouraged and students are NOT allowed to use their platform for any kind of activity that will violate university policies.

In short, they're not responsible for the possible repercussions you may face if you get caught buying a plagiarized paper from them. It's very cynical and inconsistent.

So read their policies carefully or you'll end up having to deal with the mess yourself (like that student above).
Money-Back Guarantee
In the event you're not satisfied with GoNerdify's product or service, they're willing to find you a different vendor or revise your order for free. If you're still not satisfied after the revision, they have a refund policy in place that lets you get your money back (in partial or in full depending on the terms and conditions) within 30 days after you ordered a product or service from them.

Upon investigation, we found a number of negative feedbacks regarding their money-back guarantee. Most of these unsatisfied customers complain about Nerdify's failure to respond promptly to their refund requests.
However, it's worth taking note that the company makes every effort to respond to each of these complaints and show their willingness to resolve them ASAP.
Online Reputation
GoNerdify is pretty much a neophyte, having been in business only since 2016. Delving deeper into their online reputation, we've found a number of negative reviews from way back, which means they're still in the process of addressing issues and polishing up the quality of their services.
The good thing is that Nerdify's customer service makes sure to respond and resolve issues as promptly as possible. Another great sign is that there's a steady influx of positive reviews from more recent customers, so they're probably doing a better job now.

Perhaps the biggest issue Nerdify is faced with is the very thing that makes them unique. While it appears to be a hassle-free way to provide writing services, some customers demand an assurance of safety, especially when the company requires so much personal information and close connection through text or Facebook. It may not be practical to get a new phone or Facebook account if you don't want them to know your personal details. This setup simply isn't everyone's cup of tea.

And then, there's the issue with fraudulent reviews made by competitors - there is a list of fake websites (like nsw-writers, study demic, rated writing, etc.) that contain questionable Nerdify reviews. Nerdify doesn't have affiliated review websites to polish its reputation. At the rate they're going, they don't really need to pull on such dirty tricks just to attract more customers. In fact, it only does more harm than good.
Overall, however, more customers are pleased with the quality of their service and commitment to anonymity. Despite some minor hiccups, it goes without saying that they're a legitimate business.
Issues with Plagiarism
Digging into verified third-party review sites like TrustPilot, I found some disturbing reports of GoNerdify plagiarism. According to one account, a customer has received an essay filled with plagiarized content and wrong citations. Because of this, they were reported to the school dean and were given a poor grade.
Reports like this are very concerning, especially when a student's academic record is at stake. GoNerdify needs to closely evaluate each of their writers and weed out the bad ones. This way, they can avoid incidents like this from ever happening again and maintain the quality of their papers.
Our Verdict
The joy of GoNerdify is that customers and prospects alike already have built-in support from the very start, as they're already in-touch with a writer through text or Facebook. However, this can be a double-edged sword, as some people don't like the idea of doing business through this means.
There's certainly room for improvement but all-in-all, you can rely on the quality of their service so go ahead and hire a personal Nerd today!
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Author: David Anderson
David Anderson is the founder of IHateWritingEssays. He hates the idea of companies baiting unsuspecting individuals with fraudulent services. Starting from school, he too, struggled to find a helping hand when it comes to writing assignments. Over time, he focused on publishing comprehensive reviews and helping students find reliable essay services. Thus, the review site came to be – serving as the "voice and the iron fist" of an industry expert.